My name is Charlotte and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm a web designer and developer and I make all kinds of websites
My main skills are web design and development. My other skills include graphic design, digital design, branding, social media assets creation, illustration, basic animation, video editing, photo retouching etc...
I have 10+ years freelance, in-house and agency experience. I've worked in design for heaps of industries including property development and crypto lol
I have a Bachelors Degree in Design (Communication). Though honestly I taught myself web design and coding at my first agency job
← that's me
My likes include: bleach, miniskirts, ball chains, NIN, coding, mid-west emo, Vlad, Tool memes, and skin-contact pinot gris
Mostly I build fun stuff for Shopify if you've got products to sell. Otherwise I prefer Webflow for non e-com solutions. I like making super slick minimal sites but I also love if you have an experimental vision
Really rethinking this 3x3 grid now. Don't worry the mobile version is just a list
You can read my life story by clicking that flashing button if you've made it this far
My name is Charlotte and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm a web designer and dev and I make all kinds of websites.
My main skills are web design and development. My other skills include graphic design, digital design, branding, social media assets creation, illustration, basic animation, video editing, photo retouching etc...
I have 10+ years freelance, in-house and agency experience. I've worked in design for heaps of industries including property development and crypto lol
I have a Bachelors Degree in Design (Communication)
My likes include: bleach, miniskirts, ball chains, NIN, coding, mid-west emo, Vlad, Tool memes, and skin-contact pinot gris.